HTC showed Vive Pro Eye. A new virtual reality that knows where you look


HTC Vive Pro Eye

Although the Taiwanese, HTC no longer operates in the field of smartphones, it is experiencing growing success in the virtual reality sector. The best Vivo Pro VR headset is a bit more refined.

HTC showed at CES 2019 Vive Pro Eye. Enhanced virtual reality mediation kit that can actively follow your eyes or where you look.

Your HTC Vive Pro Eye will create a sharp image exactly where you look and the image quality at the periphery of the field of view will naturally decrease slightly. This method is called foveal rendering and tries to mimic the operation of the view in the real world.

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How fast can human eyes focus, you know. Now look at the distance or vice versa, something that is nearby. Through active visualization, users gain more experience with the content of virtual reality and new controls and acceptance interactions also open.

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Objects in virtual environments can easily select or enable normal viewing without having to use the controller. This control mode will be available in the next MLB Home Run Derby VR application that will be available this year.

HTC Vive Pro Eye has not yet received an official price tag. It will only be available in the second quarter of 2019. The price will certainly not be low. The current model is already standing around EUR 800.

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