HTT will build China's first commercial hyperloop, but only


Hyperloop supermarket pipeline developments are underway in the United States, India in Dubai and China is being added. The transition from sensational plans to reality is complicated and if one wants to move from demonstration of short test tracks to actual transportation, these are not just promises and understandings understandings, as this was the case in Slovakia

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) signed in China, could have a massive impact on the acceleration of the construction of this type of transport infrastructure

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HTT, which in some respects has lagged behind the other pioneers of this idea (Virgin Hyperloop One, Boring Company), could reach an agreement in China to get decisive points. He places his contract in Guizhou, China, in the Guiyang Technological Development Zone [19650011]

The road itself must be located in Tongren prefecture, in the east from Guizhou. At such a short distance, Hyperloop decides not to develop a declared maximum speed of 1100 km / h.

Virgin Hyperloop One builds a track in India

Although this is theoretically possible, from a practical point of view the acceleration and braking would be a major discomfort.

A large-scale infrastructure

Part of the agreement is that HTT will establish a separate Chinese entity for the construction of the line. This is a common practice in China, where foreign companies often have significant restrictions on local participation


The partner company will be responsible for the technology and design of the "basic facilities".

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Representatives of the city Tongren will be responsible for the construction of the transport infrastructure. Both parties should finance the project in the same way, while HTT will also rely on investors

SOURCE | Hyperloop One

Tongren is about 400 km from Guiyang, the metropolis of the West China Province Guizhou . According to Dirk Ahlborn, Managing Director of HTT, the selected area is characterized by a "unique topography". The site was obviously selected to help test different construction methods and test the transport system in different types of terrain.

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The Guiyang Industrial Zone was created at the beginning of the millennium to attract technology companies to the region. This has been done because there are companies such as Qualcomm, Foxconn, Microsoft, Huawei, Tencent or Alibaba Online

Although this is a very short road, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies has confirmed that it is safe. is a commercial and non-experimental track. If the project succeeds, it should serve as the basis for the construction of a wider transport infrastructure that will improve transport links in the region

Source engadget

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