Huawei scores: Obtaining a patent for a functional graph!


One of the most remarkable innovations introduced by Huawei at the end of last year is the patent of a functional graph. The new material offers improved cooling capabilities not only for mobile devices at a time when the demand for performance is steadily increasing. In addition to the Chinese telecommunications company, the Nobel laureate and university teams from Manchestri and Cambridge also participated in the patent acquisition.

The hardware requirements for mobile apps, games, and media are increasing, and users are spending more time with their smartphones. Preheating appliances has therefore become one of the key topics addressed by manufacturers. Huawei has become a pioneer in this field by obtaining a patent for a functional graph.

Graphen for the first time in industrial production

Graphite is a thin layer of graphite – a carbon nanomaterial with high thermal and electrical conductivity. my thermal conductivity four times better that aluminum alloys and ten times better than copper.

The search for this nanomaterial was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2010, but it was still difficult to guarantee its production and mass use because of its high electrical conductivity.

The functional graph has several advantages over common graphene. It is insoluble in water, capable of improving thermal conductivity up to 50% and reduces the temperature of internal parts charged with 1 ° C.

More importantly, it comes in a modified form (functional) stable enough to be manufactured industrially. Thanks to this adjustment, the mass production of graphene can be attributed to the Huawei account as the first company in the world. In October 2018, the Chinese manufacturer launched a state-of-the-art gaming smartphone. Companion 20 X, whose components use a functional graph.

Scientific leaders of the research team

New scientific solutions have helped to build scientific capacity. Since 2015, Huawei has been collaborating with leading research teams at Manchestri and Cambridge Universities, as well as with leading scientists such as Konstantin Novoselov, winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics or Professor A.C. Ferrari of the University of Cambridge.

Richard Yu, Huawei's chief, revealed that Huawei had invested in the last 10 years more than 44 billion euros research and development of new technologies. As a result of this investment, there are several remarkable innovations, including the patent for a functional graph.

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