Human life died in Orava Dam: Kotleb's deputy brother (aged 28) came to live there.


The New Time journal was used for the entire case. The afternoon fishing ended on Saturday, unlucky for younger brother Andrej Medvecky, Marcel. He became the first victim of this year at this dam. Everything happened after a group of friends decided to take a boat.

He went extinct in the Orava Dam

Source: Facebook / Igor Janckulik

But the situation was complicated when Marcel decided to join him alone about 120 meters from the shore. Unfortunately, he did not succeed and after about twenty meters, the young man lost himself under the water. The rescuers searched for his body, which they managed to find the next day. But in this case, for obvious reasons, he could not help it.

He went extinct in the Orava Dam

Source: Facebook / Igor Janckulik

The situation was also complicated by the storm

Igor Janckulík of Orava's rescue system also commented on the case. "The tragedy occurred Saturday, June 15, 2019 around 13 hours. The three young men went to the Orava Dam on a fishing boat, when he decided to water more than 100 meters from the shore. My friends guessed it, but he jumped off the ship and started to swim up to the shore. Unfortunately, after a few meters, it disappeared under the water, in places where the depth of the water is about 11 meters. One of the friends tried to find him a sonar immediately, unfortunately without success. " told Topky Janckulík. Rescuers have been looking for a long time. His body was to be found up to 11 meters deep.

He went extinct in the Orava Dam

Source: Facebook / Marcel Medvecký

"I'm really sorry that, despite the fact that our integrated rescue system Orava (ORS – Orava rescue system) is included in the integrated rescue system, it often happens that, working with professional firefighters, they do not contact us and do not bring us rescue operations, despite the fact that we have very good technology and trained people – in this case, the divers, this time the first and only divers from Trencin were called and nobody did not contact us.Let me say that divers are familiar with the dam of Orava and its surroundings, because no one else can and can not intervene immediately.I therefore wonder if the authorities of the 39 State literally squander this benefit, this experience and this assistance we offer, for free. " Janckulík continues, adding that they were looking for the approximate destination where Marcel was last seen on the surface of the water.

He went extinct in the Orava Dam

Source: Facebook / Igor Janckulik

The work of the rescuers was complicated. "Since this place was not precisely defined and the visibility below the surface of the Orava dam was zero, the search was quite difficult." Saturday, the rescue units did not find the body Marcelo, however, a few hours of research began to be unleashed around 1 pm, the light started to flash and the decision was made to end the rescue.Our RHA decided to make the last dive.Unfortunately, this year , it's already the second victim that the RHA has fired from the Orava dam drowned, Janckulík closed.

The bereaved family

According to Oravci, who can not recover from the tragedy, Marcel was a competent swimmer and a passionate fisherman. They described him in addition to being a hardworking guy who was not in a good mood. However, too much confidence in his own power betrayed him and he became fatal.

He went extinct in the Orava Dam

Source: Facebook / D.B.

The family has already announced the funeral of their loved one on the social network. This will take place tomorrow in Medvedzie.

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