Hungary hit a devastating element New time


A turbot flight Monday morning in the Hungarian territory has shaken trees, damaged roofs and caused delays in trains, reported the information server, according to which no one been injured.

The blast wind blew trees in several districts of Budapest. Broken parts cut power lines, damage vehicles and in several places called to help firefighters with damaged roofs. Víchrica raised the roof of the pool in district X in Újhegyi street

The problems caused in the Peštianske župě also water after strong lejaku. In the village of Dunaharszti, the firemen had to deliver the man who was stuck in a flooded cave. On some suburban lines, Budapest suffers a delay of 40 to 50 minutes for the problems caused by the wind turbine

In several villages, the county of Jasovo-Greater Kumkumak-Solnock must intervene for eliminate the damage caused by firefighters. In the village of Jászágó, the damaged trees damaged the building. In the village of Jászboldogháza, the tree fell on the roof of the house. In the Jászberény-Portelek hit the lightning in a tree that fell and tore the electrical conductor

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