If it is not independent, it does not make sense Weekly trend


There are seven months left before the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic leaves nine of the thirteen constitutional judges, as their term of office will end. Unlike other bodies where civil servants can continue their activity until their successors are elected, no one can extend their "life" before the Constitutional Court

  Comment Marián Leško 2017 [19659003] So far the situation in the judicial system was critical, but it has become even more critical. The following months will decide if the Constitutional Court can be what the Constitution is supposed to be: "The independent judicial authority for the protection of constitutionality". The very independence of the court is a prerequisite for the institution to fulfill its role. The former President of the Polish Constitutional Court, Professor Jerzy Stepień, on the basis of his rich experience, formulated a sentence: "Only an independent Constitutional Court has any meaning.The Constitutional Court, which has lost its independence, "No sense."
<p class= The twenty-five-year history of constitutional justice in Slovakia is proof that an independent and professional body for the protection of constitutionality is a non-irreplaceable body for a democratic state. If the Constitutional Court fulfills its obligations, it has a major impact on the direction of the country. But it is obvious that he only fulfills his mission if the judges, and on his behalf, receive independent, professionally and morally qualified judges. Those who are fully aware of the fact that there is no appeal against their decision.

However, in addition to judges who consider their function in the court as a mission and service to the public, constitutional judges were also elected for people who abused their posture as if they had not heard of their profession in their lives. There are many examples of both approaches, so at least two for everyone.

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