If our deities saw what's going on today, they'd kick our ass


The texts she wrote years ago have changed meaning. "Suddenly, something for which we were not ready," says Jan Kirschner about the assassination of journalist Ján Kuciak and archaeologist Martina Kušnířová.

S Janou KIRSCHNER we met at the Pohoda 2018 shortly after his concert, which was at the same time as the performance of LP megahvie

Nevertheless, the arena Mazagrande at the 39 Trenčín airport was filled in last place. Although the Komorne concert project has been a success, a double mother living in London is already thinking of a new album that will reflect the current events in Slovakia

In an interview with Jan Kirschner you will read:

– a new album who wants to dedicate to Slovakia,

– why she could not train after the murder of Jana and Martina

– why her husband forbade to read a newspaper,

– on the parallel universe of some artists and sweet ignorance

– what is the best remedy? anger and skepticism

You are currently preparing a new album.

The murder of John Kuciak

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At first, I thought it would be minimalist, but that would not be the case. Only in the sound. My albums Moruša Čierna and Moruša White have been influenced by traditional works. We mixed it with other genres to bring something new.

But mulches were mainly based on acoustic instruments. Now I am attracted to new things, I want to move. The upcoming album will be very visual, but I do not want to say anything more about it. I currently write the concept

Does this reflect current developments in Slovakia after the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancé, archaeologist Martina Kušnířová?

Originally I planned it differently, everything changed the tragic events of the last few months. I started thinking that the new album should be dedicated to the country and should reflect the current situation.

The murder of young fiancés in their family home in Velka Mača was wrecked throughout Slovakia. Have you also influenced the topics you want to address?

These have fundamentally changed. And it's true not only for me, but for all artists who are sensitive and make good music.

Before that, we lived in a soft freedom, we loved it with full lungs and light-headedness. We thought we knew what was happening in Slovakia. "/>

photos in gallery

You also participated in a memorial concert for John and Martin in Gregorovce, which took place on the day of their planned wedding. he felt

When I started singing "May May May, no nice look …", these words had a new meaning.It was a very strong moment, it started to turn head

It is quite different for me today to sing other songs, like the Rovina Landscape, it was written a few years ago with some intention, but now I know it was just my naive point of view of Slovakia Singing the scenery from Rovina to Pohoda was a great experience for me.I got it on my lap and I think I do not know what to do. was not alone

You still remember what you did when you heard about the murder of Jana and Martina [19659003] I just went to the studio by Para. We recorded a song about our country, which suddenly took on a completely different meaning. First we did not know what had happened, we were confused

The next day I went back to London where I live. They told the BBC what was happening in Slovakia. It was a very strange feeling …

The British knew so what was happening in Slovakia

The murder of Ján and Martina was not just a local affair . People around me have talked about it. Suddenly, I knew something was going very seriously. In this small land in the middle of Europe, it has become an issue of importance to the whole world.

You were looking at the situation in Britain, most of the information you got from the media. How did you see the work of Slovak journalists just after the murder?

Journalists do a good job in Slovakia. I was taken care of after the murder and they all went after one thing. It was amazing how they worked. Every day I read everything that came out.

A man told me to take a break, but I could not stop myself. After all, I stopped working, I could not write anything, do nothing. My software has dropped completely.

I wanted to make a conclusion, but I still do not have one. We still can not understand why all this has happened. We Can not Answer Questions

After this event, many artists began to become more involved in social issues. Is it sufficient?

In my circle, there are the artists who have openly discussed the situation. These are people who played, for example, concerts for Ján and Martin

But I was surprised that a parallel universe was also created – there were people who were working as s & # 39; They had not touched them at all. It turned out, for example, during a certain award of prizes. Many people seemed to live in a sweet ignorance. Of course, they knew what was going on, but they did not express themselves and remained indifferent.

It seemed to some that the reactions were exaggerated …

So it was very necessary to say their point of view. It is important that we who have feelings and values ​​tell us what we stand for. What interests us in life and what is important to us

Because what happened was against everything our fathers taught us, moms and fathers. "/>

Photos in Gallery

Although the squares have been emptied and the exterior seems to have fainted, many people can no longer look at the world as before How are the artists?

Relevant artists have always noticed this event and none of them will ever stop looking for answers.

Finding the truth is a sense of music and art. 39, art We must continue and no matter that anger has fallen.

Maybe it's not anger, it's to change our behavior at all. C & # 39; is a change of thought and behavior.It is the greatest message of events that have occurred.It would be beautiful if we began to perceive things differently, and each of us would do something good.

Can we change the art to the perception of the public

Absolutely. As I have already said, art has always had a very strong voice. It's everywhere in the world. Artists give incentives to people. They give them a chance to stop and think

I know it is very difficult in Slovakia. People are dealing with existential problems, so the culture is on the secondary rail. I am not a child of a rich family. Whenever I go back to Martin, I come out of our imaginary bubble to see what is the reality

Many overcame doubts, feelings of hopelessness and sadness … [19659003] We should not be skeptical. We must keep our positivity. Someone would say that it's "Sunshine". But I am convinced that I am firmly on the ground.

We can not stop talking as they are. We must try to change and it does not matter if we are sunscreens or not. Everyone, no matter who and where we are or who we choose.

We all want basic things that our parents and grandparents taught us. But I'm afraid that if they see what's going on now, they'll kick our buttocks. Because what has happened is against everything we want and what they want. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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