If SR Jandijeva did not issue, he should be released


According to the Department of Justice, his release would pose a threat to security. July 2018 at 14:17 (updated 18 July 2018 at 14:42) TASR

BRATISLAVA. If the country did not issue Aslan Jandijev on Tuesday for alleged terrorism in the Russian Federation (RF), he should release him from bail

This would pose a security risk because of the allegations he faces [19659004]. The opinion is explained by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.

He wanted to investigate whether there was no threat of torture or ill-treatment in Russia

Jandijev would have been released from his deportation

The station stated in the "

notice that since the granting of the issue the Minister of Justice of the RS must be published within 60 days. This deadline would expire on Wednesday. Slovakia [19659909] The article continues under video advertising

"The preliminary measures of the Human Rights Committee do not contravene the legally binding preliminary measure of the European Court of Human Rights. nor the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the RS "

The question could have ended the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic. Friday, July 13, Jandijevov's lawyer, Lukas Opett, appealed a complaint and an application for interim protection

The Constitutional Court did not rule Tuesday but has already rejected a similar request in the past

Provisional measure prohibiting the release of Jandijevo, has also repeatedly denied the European Court of Human Rights. [19659907] Russia is committed to inform

Slovakia has also taken into account the guarantees and past practices of Russia in similar cases, according to the Ministry of Justice

even Slovakia sent Jandieva to Russia. Despite the UN decision, the Attorney General of the Russian Federation has guaranteed that, in the case of the release of A. Jandijev, the Moldovan Embassy in Moscow would be informed of the applicant's whereabouts and that the representatives of the Embassy could visit him. "

A similar approach was chosen in the case of A. Čentieva After the visit, the Slovak representatives confirmed that the guarantees given by the Russian Federation were respected

The Ministry also recalled that Jandijev will continue to to be able to address the European Court of Human Rights in case of violation of his rights

The Ministry of Justice also pointed out that the current asylum procedure does not constitute a obstacle to extradition

The Code of Criminal Procedure contains a provision which prevents the misuse of asylum by the repeated filing of the applicant's requests to avoid criminal prosecution in foreign countries "

According to Amnesty International, Jandijev left Ingushetia and on May 14, 2008, he applied for asylum in Slovakia because of the persecution by the law enforcement forces in Ingushetia. and North Ossetia [19659002] Jandijev argues that he was charged with several crimes and tortures for "admission".

In February 2011, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation filed a request for release, stating that he was accused of armed groups,

The Slovak authorities subsequently arrested Jandijeva and were in detention since

Amnesty International criticizes the release

Failure to respect UN human rights action is a dangerous signal can have a negative impact on the actual enforceability of the law.

This is the non-governmental organization Human-legal Amnesty International Slovakia. The Slovak Communist Party has called for the suspension of the Russian citizen Aslan Jandijev in Russia.

He wanted to investigate the absence of torture or ill-treatment. "Slovakia has violated its international obligations It is important that Slovakia be held responsible for the non-respect of this decision and take steps in the future to prevent such a situation," said the head of the EU. AI Slovakia. Kamila Gunišová

According to information provided by AI Slovakia, Jandijev will be issued by the Russian authorities to the prosecutor's office in Vladikavka. "

" The Slovak authorities, who have repeatedly informed us of these risks, are jointly responsible for the violation of internationally protected human rights, "said Gunišová

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