If we do not change our way of life, we will destroy the planet


According to Lajcak, every country can be found in areas like smart cities or quality education.

In the coming months, Slovakia should receive a national strategy for the development of Slovak society and a national investment plan. They will be set at the six national priorities, presented on Monday by Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investment and Informatics, Richard Sushi (Smer-SD).

They talk about education, inclusion, poverty reduction, sustainable cities, a well-governed state, and a knowledge-based economy.

Even before the presentation, Rashi met the head of the 72nd UN General Assembly and Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak (nominated Smeru-SD). He appreciated that Rashi came to present a Slovak contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.

"It's a huge UN program," Mr. Lajčák said. More than 100 countries have already submitted their contributions. "This means that he has subscribed to global responsibility and we have our own national strategy," he said, adding that the Sustainable Development Goals are not legally binding but fundamentally changed the way in which Member States discuss their development strategies.

Each country, according to Lajcak, smart cities or quality education. "If we do not change the way we live, we consume the way we rebuild our waste, we will destroy our planet," said Lajčák.

The Living World

He was also in agreement with Rashi. "The 2030 Agenda is something we do for our children and the future. For Slovakia and the world to live, we must also take steps to ensure the sustainability of the world, "said Deputy Prime Minister

health care or basic education." But also for developed countries like Slovakia. Even our consumption and the economy must change because, as it works now, it is not sustainable, "he added.

Slovakia, in his words, approved the agenda to contribute a little to the mosaic to help the world to be sustainable for the next generations

"The population is growing, the poor too, access to water is deteriorating, the world is not working like it should be. And when each of us does not want to improve, we will have a problem, "he added.

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Slovak national priorities are education for a dignified life, poverty reduction and social inclusion, health, sustainable cities, regions and countries, because of climate change, education, a well-run state and the circular economy and knowledge.

According to Rashi, these measures are indispensable for "not only working for Slovakia, but for the entire population in Slovakia to have equal access to everything, no matter where it comes from, what ethnicity it is. "

Slovakia, according to Raši, will adopt a national strategy for the development of Slovak society and a national investment plan

"We want what I declare on the soil of the United Nations and transformed into sectoral strategies that will allow the development of society by 2030 "that the government and parliament should adopt them in the coming months. The national investment plan already in the national strategy of autumn and spring of the development of Slovak society

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