If you have a baby in your family, follow the advice of a father thrashed: PHOTO Because of one thing, he came to the girl


Jeff Gober remembers that after giving birth everything was fine. Their tiny Mallory was born as a healthy little girl. The situation changed when the girl had only one week. Doctors have diagnosed the herpes simplex virus – 1, a common infection that most of us do not consider to be a serious problem.

  Jeff Gober warns people,

Source: FB / Jeff Gober

Daddy's father advises you to always wash your hands before contacting your baby. "If you have a baby, always wash your hands.When someone wants to hold your child, tell him to wash his hands." Jeff points out that his daughter was apparently infected by someone who did not know herpes, because the virus is in his words nowadays so common that many people neglect their symptoms. "The symptoms do not even need to manifest themselves in many people," he added.

  Jeff Gober </figcaption>
<p>	<a href=
  Jeff Gober

Source: FB / Jeff Gober

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