IKEA Together with you help children


BRATISLAVA July 19, 2018 (WBN / PR) – The IKEA Bratislava this year, with you, is coming to an end. IKEA donated more than 1,200 pieces of furniture to five non-profit organizations in Slovakia. The purpose of the project with you is to support organizations that help children survive their childhood.

Educational activity for sick children, support for socially disadvantaged children, provision of services to children to help another person. These are just a few of the many goals of non-profit organizations that work every day to make the world a better place for children. At this year Together with you, IKEA FAMILY members have appointed 336 non-profit organizations from all over Slovakia. Of these, the finalists of IKEA 5 were selected and IKEA FAMILY members decided on their final order

Here are the winning organizations:

  1. The kindergarten of the center of health of Bratislava
  2. OZ Dobrota sv. Elizabeth (cost of special staff)
  3. PRO REGION, n.
  4. OZ Equity
  5. Fund for Children of the Slovak Republic – Mixklub and Mixáček

IKEA Bratislava gave these organizations more than 32,000 euros. Of which 21,000 euros in the form of furniture and accessories, 2,000 euros in cash were received by the organization with the highest number of votes of employees and customers – each purchase made in February, proved by the IKEA FAMILY card, offered by IKEA Bratislava 10 cents. Together, they raised € 9,500, distributed among the winning organizations. In addition to financial donations and products, IKEA employees collected all the donated furniture during the volunteer days in the winning organizations and helped with the general renovation of the premises and other works

Mgr. Zuzana Kovácsová, director of Dobrota Sv. Elizabeth, about the project Together with you: "We are an emergency shelter center for abused women Jozefina About the project Together with you, we told the painter who painted us here.All the things we accepted up to here were old.What we received from IKEA, it is the nobility.By this project , women and children can experience something more sophisticated and better, and I look forward to seeing them with their children. " If you want to see what change this organization has gone through, watch the video on www.spolusvami.com. sk

The project is not finished yet. Organizations welcome a helping hand throughout the year. You can help them, for example, for garden maintenance, sanding a fence or preparing a new website. You can find all the help possibilities on www.spolusvami.sk/prilezitosti.

L&#39 The following year of the project Together with you will be launched in the autumn of 2018.

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