In Banská Bystrica, mobile navigation towers were developed


At MSM in Banská Bystrica, they produced unique mobile navigation towers that have no competition in the region, and they are very suitable for a Slovak product

26. July 2018 at 21:15 SITA

BANSKÁ BYSTRICA. At MSM in Banská Bystrica, they have produced unique mobile navigation towers that have no competitive advantage in the region, and they are exclusively a Slovak product. The first eight units are shipped to India. MSM director Banská Bystrica, Juraj Lauš, said Thursday that, following increased demand from abroad, they plan to employ about thirty people in the future

The tower of MATC's control is currently the only one of its kind in the region. This is a complete replacement of the classic airport tower. A unique product has aroused interest abroad and the demand comes mainly from Asia. After the Slovak company succeeded this year in an international tender, the first eight tower units have already bought 6.4 million euros from the Indian government

. "In the short time we have been given to implement this contract, Banská Bystrica has managed to produce and prepare for shipment the eight mobile air navigation towers." The quality is also demonstrated by the fact that Other Asian countries are already interested in our tours today, "he said of the success of the international Lauš competition. He added that the tower is unique in that it can be placed wherever it is necessary to navigate and navigate to the landing.

MSM Banska Bystrica manufactures operational facilities for military airports, but is also engaged in civilian production. Currently, there are 50 employees and 28 of them are in production. Banskobystrická firma patří do skupiny MSM group, která zastřešuje dceřine společnosti s portfoliem v segmente obrany a civilního strojírenského průmyslu.

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