In Bardejov, a train with a car


The accident occurred at a Pod Lipkou street crossing in Bardejov.

Bardejov firefighters intervene in the accident after the collision of a personal vehicle and a personal train on a railway crossing in Pod Lipkou street in Bardejov. There are five officers with fire fighting equipment on site. TASR informed the operational officer of the regional leadership of Prešov Fire and Rescue Corps.

As for TASR, said Daniel Džobanik, a spokesman for the Prešov Regional Police Directorate said the train had a vehicle to print about 100 meters.

"According to preliminary information, a person was injured in the accident and the driver of the car who was in the vehicle himself.At the moment he is caught in a vehicle, firefighters take him out of the vehicle. The extent of the injury is not yet known.According to initial findings, the driver would have entered the junction while he was not respecting the gallows during an unguarded passage , "said Jobanik, with the help of the Fire Fighting Team (RZP).

The accident occurred in the Bardejov – Raslavice section. "The crossing was fully operational at the time of the accident, it is a level crossing with a barrier-free light signal." Currently, rail transport is interrupted on this segment, "he said. said Ivana Popluhárová, deputy director of the communication division of Železnice Slovak Republic (ŽSR).

Photo: Consequences of a road accident

Consequences of the accident

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Consequences of the accident

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Consequences of the accident

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