In Berlin, they beat a young man with a star shape David


A group of people beat Syrian, who had a star of David on his neck.

A group of unknown people in Berlin attacked Saturday night and beat Syria, whose head injuries were lying on the ground. Sunday's DPA news agency said it was referring to the local police.

A 25-year-old Jewish-Jewish man had, at the time of a neck attack, a chainsaw with a star-shaped pendant, according to police.

Berlin police investigating ten suspects aged 15 to 25 Six of them are Syrian nationals, three are Germans.

Abandoned and persecuted

The attack took place in a park in the Mitte district of central Berlin. The attacking police officer said that a group of people asked for a fire to burn a cigarette. One of the group members started to insult him and took a cigarette from his mouth.

The abuser reportedly noticed a pendant with a Star of David that broke his throat by paralyzing anti-Semitic insults. Subsequently, the young man was reportedly overthrown. They managed to miss this, but they were also persecuted by other members of the group and were beaten together. The attackers came out of the crime scene when a young man came to help one of the passers-by.

Police first arrested three women aged 15 to 21 at the crime scene and seven men between the ages of 17 and 21. (19659010)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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