In early August, a single phenomenon should appear in the sky: visibility to the naked eye these days!


A comet called PanSTARRS was clearly visible on July 2, when it was surrounded by green light. Only two days later, it was much darker, indicating that it was warmed by the sun and that it was coming closer. The Sky and Telescope magazine reports that the brightness and magnitude of the green light around the comet are increasing, which is the sign of an upcoming explosion.

The closest to the Sun will be the August 16 when they enter the orbit of Orcuror. This has the potential to be much more enlightened in the night sky. The best visibility for the human eye is expected between August 4 and August 5. Later, astronomer Michael Jager said that "the nucleus of the comet reaches about twice the size of Jupiter" . The first time PanSTARRS was registered last year. Nobody is really sure of what happens when it comes to the sun. If it explodes, it will be much more visible than when it approaches the Sun. It is possible to return to the solar system for a few more years.

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