In elections, Antal Páleník will appeal to the former leader of the giant


The candidates for the post of chief of autonomy are still two

ŽIAR NA HRONOM. The intention to run for mayor of Žiar nad Hronom was announced today by the former head of the town hall, Mariana Páleníková,

"The city is growing, repairing the roads , builds playgrounds, I can not and do not want "I want to connect things, do not divide," he says.

As one of the possible candidates we addressed to him there Some time ago, her name was repeated in the streets, but she then replied that she did not consider the candidacy.The article continues under video advertising

It states that as a woman n & # 39; He does not aspire to power, he adds that the mayor's post does not want to use it as a stepping stone into politics. "In my opinion, I can not sit on three chairs at the same time" , probably answers the current mayor, Petr Antal, who is also a member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic and Vice-President of Most -Híd Mayor Viktória Valachovičová

Páleníková was associated mainly with the former mayor Ivan Černaj, the head of Žiarský úrad was in the years 2003 to 2015. Currently, he is in the same position in Dubnice nad Váhom [19659003] The candidature to Ziari Peter Antal, from January in the speech of the New Year

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