In Michalovce for mosquitoes, mass events will be canceled


In Michalovce, they had to take special measures in connection with the measles epidemics.

The Crisis Staff, which met in Michalovce at midnight as part of the measles epidemic, accepted some suggestions to incorporate into the principal's command. They must specify and legislate more specifically for them

These include police control, the abolition of mass events in the city and places that are the focal points of the infection or l & # 39; 39, assistance of the police in the vaccinations. Employees of the public administration and local administration and local self-government would also be expected

. employees of social insurance, labor offices, prosecutors, courts, municipal or district offices. Ensure the transport of infected persons by ambulances. After the end of the crisis, this was reported by the head of the district office (OO) in Michalovce, Jana Cibereová


Some tasks, control of the movement of people infected by the police, which will take place in the foyer area of ​​Mlynská Street or Veľké Kapušany, can be applied immediately. Other proposals must be put into practice by Friday, July 13th.

"Of these other measures, it will be important to continue the vaccination of people on Mlynska Street in Michalovce and in some streets of the city.We will try to identify the municipalities in the district where we will consider and implement vaccination of people, "said Jan Mikas, the chief hygienist of the RS, who also participated in the crisis

. there should also be those who come into contact with people in the outbreak of contagion. In other words, with respect to the vaccine, they will contact the companies providing them so that their numbers are not compromised in the normal vaccination schedule.

It is still necessary to provide hospitalization. In the case of filling the capacity of a local hospital, those of Kosice and Prešov are prepared for the admission of patients

"We will contact them.We ask them to reconsider the vaccination status of their patients. employees, "he said.

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According to the Chief Hygienist, the precautions were taken and were correct.

"It must be kept in mind that mosquitoes are a very easily spread respiratory infection that is a very contagious disease.The community, where the epidemic is spreading, is very difficult or does not observe at all the prescribed anti-epidemic measures, "he said.

From the beginning of May to the second day, there are 170 patients. They released 130 people in their home treatment, and people aged 0-54 are infected.

"There are also cases of children who are not subject to mandatory vaccinations related to age, there are people to vaccinate, but no, there are people who have were vaccinated only partially, "said the chief hygienist. The cases are different. "With regard to the clinical status of these hospitalized patients, there were eight cases of pulmonary complications," he said, pointing out that the lives of patients were in danger

"This morning, the Department of infectious diseases at Michigan Hospital there were seven new arrivals.The critical condition was Sunday (8.7) .In the evening, the number of infectious patients exceeded 30. At this stage, the extensive capacity of the department is sufficient, "said Tomáš Kráľ, spokesperson for the Health World Health Network, Michalovce

. situation

In the district of Michalovce, mosquitoes declared an extraordinary situation on Tuesday (10.7.) at 15.00. The reason for this was, according to the OR, that a significant increase in patients on measles was observed during a weekend in a local hospital. Pubs began to spread early May in the village of Drahňov in Michalovsky District

The local hospital has put in place several measures since the beginning of the epidemic. While the media presented Tuesday, July 10, the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Štefan Zamba, worked there.

In view of the increase in the number of measles patients and the limited capacity of this department, at the end of June, some beds were temporarily reshaped.

The week closest to the crisis staffing session is Wednesday, July 18th.

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