In Michalovce, mosquitoes declared the state of emergency, new cases are coming


MICHALOVCE, July 10 ( – An extraordinary situation for measles outbreaks was announced Tuesday in Michalovce. SITA informed Michael Paulen of the press service of the Ministry of the Interior. She pointed out that the situation had begun to deteriorate at the end of last week and that 25 cases of measles were recorded at Michalovce from Friday, 6 to Sunday, 8 July 1965: "On the instructions of the Director of the Regional Public Health Service. At this point, we can say that the beds of the Michigan Infectious Disease Hospital are not enough. They are small children but also patients under 54 years old. On Wednesday morning, the crisis team will meet again with the participation of the chief hygienist of the Slovak Republic and the main doctor of the autonomous region of Košice "

The district minister of Michalovce calls the deputy chief of staff.

Epidemiologists of the RÚVZ, with headquarters in Prešov and Košice, representatives of the hospital and the Representatives of the district district leadership will also be present Michalovce prepares new measures to prevent the spread of the measles epidemic in the Slovak Republic

According to information provided by the SITA agency, Dáša Račková, Michalovce and Sobrance, public health officials, recorded from May 16 to July 9 confirmed and 93 probable

Hospital workers

In the district of Michalovce, they recorded 155 diseases, d have 35 in Drahnov, 89 in Michalovce, five in the villages of Trhoviste and Zemplínska Široká, nine in the village Veľké Kapušany, and after an illness in the villages of Falkušovce, Maťovské Vojkovce, Vysoká nad Uhom, Ložín, ačovce, Kapušianske Kľačany, Pavlovce on Uhom Kusin, Pozdišovce and hay, in addition, cases in Strazske and Kosice.

The district Sobrance registered six diseases in the village Bežovce three and one in each villages Baškovce, Úbrež and Husak. 128 patients were hospitalized, the average duration of hospitalization was five days.

Of the total number of diseases, four were imported from Great Britain and nine nurses from Michigan hospitalized. All diseases were epidemiological

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