In Michalovce, with a strong movement of frames and higher goals, the mosquitoes took the advantage


In the reconstruction of the indoor spaces of the stadium, as well as the team of players, Michalkovce, MFK Zemplín, played at Fortunaliga Club. According to coach Anthony Soltis, the amount of players is being replaced by quality. "It's my inner ambition to go even further, which means fighting for the first sixth." Last season was successful for us and I believe in the first season of the Fortuna League

. " Šoltis

The Michalovans did not enter the top six of the table in the 2017/2018 season at the bottom of the table but the tables belonged to the best teams. had a major movement in the meantime, but in particular von "We have nine players and so far only four have arrived, so we have to replace the quantity by the quality Of course, we start from the club, so the new players take a little more time " Šoltis margo the player's frame The Michalovský kormidelník will continue to be able to count on the experienced Igor Žofcak, and Blažej Vaščák will reinforce the most familiar names [19659005] The team has recently prepared for the first game of the new season, which was to play at home against Zilina.Measures related to the infection of measles, for which public actions are prohibited in Michalovce, o however, have been translated into an unknown term. "I will tell the truth that in the state where we are happy, we collected last week, thanks to the translation of the match with Zilina, we will have more time to face, to train., it will probably be in the first half of August, " revealed Soltis . The reception stadium of MFK Zemplín Michalovce has undergone, in the meantime, the reconstruction of interior spaces, in particular cabins

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