In NAKA, NAKA intervenes in Banská Bystrica


The reason is sports corruption.

BANSKÁ BYSTRICA. The National Agency of Crime (NAKA) intervened today in Banská Bystrica

As stated on their FB website, 70 policemen from the National Criminal Police Agency and the Police College of College of Pezinok have today occupied premises in Banská Bystrica. . Specifically, they came for 13 main judges, assistant referees, football game delegates.


Among the detainees are the chief referees, assistant referees and match delegates as well as club officials.

In the evening, police reported on their website that an investigator of an anti-corruption unit accused a total of 21 people of sports corruption. All this has been accomplished through long-term cooperation with the Slovak Football Association

. The action of the police was related to the decision making on football matches under the SSFZ. The Chief Judges, the Deputy Judges and the Meeting Delegates should have promised in personal meetings and subsequently accepted bribes of 200 to 1,000 euros. These were supposed to come from representatives of football clubs to influence the results of football matches. (19659003) Crime of the Chief Referee, Deputy Referee and Delegate, Threat of Imprisonment of Four to Ten Years and Crusade for Football Clubs for One to Five Years

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