In Nepomuk Lecce, natural asphalt was used. This was the only place in Europe


The past recalls the flooded quarry and the ruin of the processing plant

THE NITZBEAN TREE. The abandoned and flooded quarry in Nezbudska Lúčka in Žilina District was once the only quarry for the extraction of natural asphalt in Europe

According to the former chronicler of the neighboring municipality of Strečno Pavel Ďurča, the quarry was operating until 1962. At that time, cremation

"I know that the reason for the halt of mining was a deadly fatal accident on a railway that was fed to the railway Košice-Bohumín Four workers were killed at the same time, so that the mining was abolished.For a long time there was weight and also the track ", said Ďurčo.

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He added that mining began in the quarry before World War I. In 1928, records recorded that nearly 5000 meters of cubic bitumen were used in the year. "During the Second World War, the road from Strečno to Vrútok was made from this asphalt," said former columnist Strečno.

He pointed out that a similar asphalt quarry is not found in Europe. "We know one in South America, even after sixty years, I remember we went swimming there because of the very clear water, it was treacherous that the bottom waters that they were very cold, there was a bit of heat at the top of the hill, and when the boys jumped into the water of the surrounding trees, there was no drowning there, "he said. said Duruch.

"I discussed the divers who went there to train, and they said that there would not be those who would buy it. they knew the size of the puddings and catfish.Today, there are a lot of fishermen because it is a fishery and a fisherman is there for the first two days after the fishing. opening of the season, "says former columnist

Smolenice, as people called asphalt in the past. "There are still remnants of the construction of the structure in which he was treated and milled.From the jam where it was poured, he was pushing and pulling in different ways on small carts." The asphalt was driven in Bohemia and where it was needed.In 1962, when mining was over, there was no attempt to renew it.A strong water table fills the quarry and there is no need for it. was not possible to pump water, "adds Ďurčo

People buy it in the quarry at their own risk." There should be a ban on bathing, once It would have been. At the present time, the depth is 12 meters, which has been confirmed by recent measurements and there is a thick layer of mud. It was once up to a depth of 18 meters. There are gigantic overhangs of stone, clay, and it has not happened that clay has been poured into the lake. By the way, the depth decreases steadily ", concluded the former chronicler of the village of Strečno

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