In Paris, thousands of jobs will be created for Brex


Transfers from financial institutions could also bring Paris to twenty thousand indirect positions

12. July 2018 at 16:21 TASR

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PARÍŽ. The French capital of Paris expects Great Britain to leave the European Union (EU) to create some 3,500 new jobs in its financial and banking sector as London's big players move some operations to The mainland

is transferring jobs to other European financial centers, said Gerard Mestrallet, chairman of the Paris Europolis lobby group at an annual conference.

Macron attracts foreign investors

US financial giants – Blackrock and Citigroup Bank are among the companies planning to relocate certain activities to Paris

In addition to the estimated 3,500 direct jobs, the transfer of financial institutions could provide Paris with another 20,000 "indirect jobs", according to Mestrallet.

Moving companies in Paris attribute a "general overhaul" and other measures taken by President Emmanuel Macron, former investment banker. Macron seeks to increase France's attractiveness for foreign investors

"In the past two years, we have made more progress in Paris than in the past 13 years", he said. -he declares. In particular, he highlighted the end of the tax on financial assets and a new equal tax on capital gains, including dividends and interest.

Removal for brexit

London has been the largest European financial center for many years. However, due to the planned departure of Britain from the EU in March 2019, some banking and insurance operations should be transferred to the Union. They will also be able to offer their services to customers because Britain is about to leave the single market.

Paris' main competitors in the fight for employment in London are Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Dublin

on relocation in the EU. Even large companies from other industries, such as Airbus, BMW and Siemens, have warned Britain that they could lose jobs if their trading conditions become more complicated

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