In Poland, they ban swimming in the Baltic Sea for cyanobacteria


Polish authorities have banned swimming on more than 50 beaches along the Baltic Sea.

The ban on bathing refers to the sandy beaches of the western city of Świnoujście to the port city of Gdynia to the east of the Baltic coast

The press release publishes and rescuers attract the Attention to the exceptionally hot sanding phenomenon in the sea. tourists not to enter the sea in these areas. In the waters of the Baltic Sea, colonies of blue-green-blue colony green honey have grown.

Local hygienists have issued warnings that contact with bacteria can cause allergies and rashes. Drinking contaminated water can also lead to serious digestive difficulties

In Poland in the last 12 years, they have not experienced such pronounced reproduction of cyanobacteria. This is the result of extremely high temperatures around 34 degrees Celsius, causing the warmth of the Baltic Sea heat

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