In Salisbury, a police officer was hospitalized for suspicion of poisoning by novices


Police were admitted to a district hospital where they can perform specialized tests. July 2018 at 6:31 am TASR

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LONDON. In a hospital in the English city of Salisbury, a policeman is being treated because he fears he will be exposed to a novel-type paralytic nervous agent, the press agency Press Association reported on Saturday [19659004]. The hospital in which the cops work is located near Amesbury. , where they found a British couple in critical condition last Saturday after they were poisoned by novices

Read also: He took heroin, looking for treasure in the foam. A police officer was admitted to a district hospital where specialized tests could be performed, the spokeswoman said, adding that the risk was greater for other patients. 19659002] "Since the incident took place, many citizens have visited the Salisbury District Hospital with concerns about their health, but none has been confirmed and has not been confirmed. not asked for treatment, "said the spokesperson. Last week, a "serious event" after a 44-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man found unconscious in their home in Amesbury.

See also: The poisoned Britons allegedly stumbled upon the novice footsteps they had in the habit of Scorpions

The two victims remain in critical condition after exposure to the & 9 [39393939neuro-paralyticagent

It's the same stuff as in March of this year, poisoned by former Russian agent Sergey Skripa and his daughter, Julius, in Salisbury, far away from Amesbury, in 1965 .

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