In Saudi Arabia, nearly 50 video games were banned after suicide – Society – Journal


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Saudi Arabia has banned Monday nearly 50 popular video games. According to AP, it was decided after the news that the two children of the kingdom had committed suicide, which had been forced by an online game known as the Blue Whale. Czech police are also interested in gambling.

The Central Audiovisual Media Commission of Saudi Arabia announced that
banned 47 games, including Grand Theft Auto V, Assassin's Creed 2 and The
Witcher for the unspecified violation so far and
Regul. The ban was a reaction to the death of a girl of thirteen and
of a twelve year old boy whose suicide would have known the game
like the blue whale. However, the direct connection with the forbidden games is

The Blue Belt game would have originated in Russia and spread to hundreds
networking companies that promote the "aesthetics of death" and encourage
a young generation to suicide.

After joining the game, the user must undergo several
drastic tasks, for example, to burn the image of a whale and its
send the photo to "the administrator". After completing other tasks
finally determines the time and place of the recommended suicide.

Czech police have long been interested in gambling, since even in the Czech Republic
the Republic discovered several cases of self-harm related to gambling
or extortion of children. The former Minister of the Interior Milan Chovanec, however,
the police demanded proof that a leading internet gambling game
suicide really exists. Chovanc spokeswoman said in May
the minister would have liked a more precise communication with the public

According to experts, this could be a warning message. Czech President
the police presidency, Jozef Bocan, said that the police had issued it
a message alerting parents and podaggs to take more time for speeches
children who may be associated with risky behavior in the environment
Internet network. "The police chose this procedure on the basis of a few
documented cases of self-harm or extortion of children
via the Internet, "said Bocan.

In the past, some computer experts have questioned the existence of
Blue Whale games. According to them, it was just the marketing movement that he had
attract new users to specific social groups
networks. Game information came to Europe according to
via Russian web portals Novaja Gazeta and Siberian Times

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