In Spain and Portugal, it will be really hot


An extreme heat wave will hit Portugal in the middle of the week, as well as the south and west of Spain.

The hot air of the Sahara flowing north can provide temperatures in the Iberian Peninsula up to 45 degrees Celsius, places and more In many areas, however there will be more than 40 degrees Celsius. The horrors are expected to peak in the period from Thursday to Saturday.

Meteorologists do not exclude the new extremes of historical temperatures. In Portugal, the highest measured temperature was 47.4 degrees centigrade and is related to the Amarillo, where extreme heat is now expected. In Spain, the absolute temperature record is less than one-tenth of a degree. (F, f, q, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = n.callMethod?
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