In Syria, Hosse, the son of the Islamic State reportedly killed


In the Syrian town of Homs, the son of the extremist organization, the Islamic State (IS), Abu Bakra Baghdadi, reportedly died. "The son of the caliph Hudajfah Badri was killed," he said through his propaganda channel that Badri had been killed during an operation against Syrian government forces and Russian troops in the central power plant of Homs

There is also uncertainty about the fate of Baghdad, which has not been made public since the declaration of the Islamic Caliphate in the Iraqi city of Mósul in July 2014. Russia claims that it is died in an air raid against a meeting of senior representatives of the ISIS in Syria, The United States, however, report Baghdad interrogations, and the Iraqi secret service said in February this year that the leader of the Iraqi security forces EI was still alive, but injuries and underdeveloped health forced him to withdraw from this terrorist organization. f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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