In the case of the state of Malina, he failed to get justice, said Kiska – Home – News


President Andrej Kiska met today Hedviga Malinova Žáková. According to him, this case was a sad demonstration of the failure of the state in its fundamental role of ensuring justice.

"After 12 years of investigation, it is difficult to talk about justice.
after Mrs Hedvig Malinová Žáková was the target of political years
attacks and humiliation by the then leadership of the Ministry of the Interior and
police direction. I do not want to be a judge or a lawyer in this case either
applicant. This is not the role of the president. The case is now closed
Hungarian parquet. Investigations into suspicion of criminal offenses should not
make the object of political arguments and solve them with the question of whether people
most believe the student or the minister, "said the president.

As further informed Martin Lipták from the Office's press office
the president of the RS, according to the head of state, we need a police whose first
politics does not confuse robots and does not make us suspect that the authorities are active
in criminal proceedings, they work on their order. "So, make the case like
Hedviga Malinová never again, "Kiska concluded.

The case Hedvigy Malinova Žáková is over in Hungarian after twelve years
pursuit, the daily news of SMEs informed. District Prosecutor's Office in Györ according to
the newspaper even put an end to the proceedings against him last October 24th
a student whom the police were prosecuting for a witness of torture. The indictment against
Malinova filed a public prosecutor's office in Slovakia in April 2014. As Malinová
she had already moved to Hungary, and later,
penal procedure.

The Hedvigy Malinova Žáková case started in the summer of 2006. According to him,
his testimony at school was attacked by two invaders and a blouse
it was written by the Hungarians behind the Danube. The police closed the case with this
he did not do as described the wounded. This is the Slovakian process
Judicial authorities have seized the European Court of Human Rights. case
much aroused on the political scene. The former government of Iveta Radičová
Hedvige Malinová Žáková is excused and the complaint has ended with an agreement
the rule.

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