In the cellar, they fired and bayonets. How did the Bolsheviks get rid of the Tsar and his family?


The bodies from which the murderers picked up about eight kilograms of jewelry were removed and disposed of. For about a week, Ekaterinburg, where he was imprisoned, fell into the hands of Czechoslovak legionaries.

"I do not understand, please, read it again, please," he was visibly surprised and frightened by his fifties … Bolshevik Jakov Jurovsky reads it again

"What? What?" Said Nicholas yacht. He could not believe that his representative of the famous family, who ruled Russia for more than 300 years, had just been sentenced to death by a presidency of the Soviet Regional Ural

Nothing more than Nicolas II. he could not say. The ball of the Jurassic pistol bore his chest. The old Cary, one of the most powerful men on the planet, has fallen to the ground.

In a small cellar of the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, hell broke up. The family of Cárska Romanov fired on Bolshevik exactly one hundred years ago – July 17, 1918.

From St. Petersburg to Sibir

When in 1789 France broke out the great revolution, King Louis XVI. he found himself in a difficult situation. He and his family tried to flee the border, but they caught him and sent him under the guillotine.

His ruler also executed the English. After the Civil War in 1649, Karol I accused him of treason, judging him, and eventually reprimanded them.

Lenin thought of the two rulers in 1911 when he wrote: "If in a cultural country like England, they thought it necessary to sew a crowned criminal,"

At the time, however, the most famous revolutionary of all time could not guess that he would one day be able to decide the life of the hated family members of Carl

failure of the First World War as if it were Predicts another fate of the Romanovs Shortly after the February 1917 Revolution, Mikuláš II, who has ruled since 1894, abdicated

The murder of Ján Kuciak

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The interim government decided to expel the former tsar and his family to the town of Tobolsk in Siberia. The luxury apartments of the Winter Palace in Petrohrahrad have replaced several rooms in the residence of a former governor.

galleries in the galleries

Moving to Yekaterinburg

There is no reason to say that the Romanovs were bad. Nicholas himself praised the excellent food in his mother's letter. "In Tobolsk, we were all educated and took four to five pounds."

Everything changed to the Bolshevik revolution of October 25, 1917. The royal prisoners suddenly became the undesirable burden on the shoulders of Lenin and Trotsky

the idea of ​​a trial with Nicholas II, where Trotsky would act as a prosecutor.

Nicholas, his wife Alexander, their five children and several servants moved to distant Ekaterinburg on the Ural – to the so-called "The House of Ipatiev

The Murder of the Family It has not yet been decided, according to some historians, it is not even certain that the massacre would not have been (for the Bolsheviks) the unfavorable military situation.

The maps were They were mixed with thousands of well-armed and organized Czechoslovak legionaries who fought the Russians after the revolution and rebelled against the Bolsheviks.

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Gems in underwear

They walked along the Trans-Siberian highway, conquered cities, and in the true sense of the word they became Lenin's nightmare.

The final decision was taken on July 16, 1918. The Uralskii Bolsheviks denounced in Moscow to tell Lenin that they had to revolt with the execution. If the leadership had a different opinion, Ekaterinburg should have been informed

: "The recipient of the telegram proves that the murder was discussed at the highest and his tone reveals that Moscow gave Yekaterinburg the power to make a final decision" . Montefiore in the Romanov book.

Shortly after midnight, the Bolshevik revolutionary Yakov Jurovsky woke up the family. There have been riots in the city, and it is necessary to take them to a safe place.

The children started to dress. They were ready for the worst. In their underwear, they were sewn with jewels and jewels. Together, they went down to the cellar.

Outside, they were preparing a truck whose engine was supposed to stop firing. The Nicholas family assumed that they just carried them safely. Jurovsky's executioner soon arrived at the brewery.

  Ipatievov dom

Photogallery in the gallery

Masaker in the cellar

"Oh, my god, what does that mean?" When they filled it with bullets, panic broke out in the underground room.

The cellar covered the smoke and dust, the victims began to scream, and now they realized what was going to happen. However, the shooting was chaotic, the bullets fell on the cross and even hit one of the shooters.

After Mikulas, they murdered his wife Alexandra as a second – a bullet in the head.

In an uncertain situation (all in a cellar of 6×5 meters), Jurovsky ordered to interrupt the shooting, to open the door and sweep the cellar. Then the massacre continued.

Like another, you took Alexei, thirteen years old. The boy did not find himself after several shots, so they gave him a bayonet.

After a few minutes of siege, all of Nicholas' daughters were still living, desperately calling for help. Jurovskij injected Tatian's ball into the back of the head, then sent a shot to the second world head of Oleg.


Photo in Gallery

All Murderers

Then he kills the wounded Mary and draws her attention to Anastasia, the only survivor of the whole family. The girl defended herself, one of the "judgment" executors had repeatedly tried to stab her with a bayonet, until she ended up with a bullet in the head.

Ten minutes later, everything was over. The Romanovs, the former king and the throne of the throne, were dead. The Bolsheviks also murdered their Botkin family doctor and some domestic workers

. The bodies from which the murderers picked up about eight kilograms of jewelry were removed and disposed of. About a week ago, Ekaterinburg fell into the hands of Czechoslovak legionaries.

"The execution of the Cárske family was necessary not only for the intimidation and destruction of the enemy, but also for the encouragement of our own ranks. We wanted to show them that there was no return, that there was only a complete victory or the end … "

The fate of the royal family and from the house in which the Romanovs were massacred is also interesting. In 1977, KGB leader Yuri Andropov suggested that the Ipatievov house be dismantled.

The bodies of the Romanovs were discovered by two amateur historians in 1979. But when the Brezhnev ruled with a hard hand, the bones would be rather quietly buried

After the fall of the USSR, the Russians exhumed nine bodies, which analyzed to see if they were in fact the remains of family members of the famous ruler.

Prince Philip, husband of British King Elizabeth II, also provided his DNA. His mother, Alice, was the daughter of Alexandrine (Nicholas II's wife) of Victoria's sister. Thanks to his DNA, he was able to determine the identity of Alexandra and finally the air itself.

17. In July 1998, exactly 80 years after their assassination, the Romanovs were buried in St. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Petrohrad. In 2007, the skeleton of the son of Emperor Alexei and his daughters Mary, who was not found in 1991, was discovered by the Russians.

The Russian Orthodox Church in 2000 Mikuláš II., His wife Alexandra and their five children declared martyrs [19659003] Sources:

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