In the experiment, women gave Viagra to pregnant women, 11 newborns died


The drug could fatally damage the lungs

25. July 2018 at 11:59 am TASR

AMSTERDAM. In the Netherlands, an experiment in the administration of viagry to pregnant women was prematurely halted after the death of 11 newborns

BBC television reported

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pregnant women with insufficiently developed placental preparation, mainly for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, which should help accelerate the growth of the fetus

Why 11 newborns died, clarify a thorough investigation. However, it is suspected that sildenafil (known as viagra), which promotes blood circulation, could harm the lungs of unborn children

There is no evidence of errors in the 39, study

for similar experiments. Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, no negative but positive effects of the administration of this product in the past

Study conducted in 11 hospitals

The insufficiently developed placenta in pregnant women leads to premature births and low birth weight births and a small chance of survival. Effective treatment does not yet exist

An ongoing study on this serious problem has been conducted in 11 hospitals in the Netherlands, including the famous University Hospital of Amsterdam. It was completed in 2020.

93 women sildenafil and 93 other placebos, without active ingredient, were administered to 93 women

Pulmonary complications were reported in 20 neonates, three of whom were born to treated mothers by placebo. The rest were babies whose mothers received sildenafil; Eleven of these children died as a result of pulmonary complications

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