In the first half of the year, fires in the Slovak Republic caused nearly 25 million damage. euros


Compared with last year, the number of fires decreased by 1,744, on the contrary, direct damage increased by 7,157 million euros (an increase of 40%) , adds the Army Corps

Bratislava, July 28 (TASR) 2018 on the territory of Slovakia 4602 fires, which caused direct material damage amounting to 24.9 million. euros.

Compared with last year, the number of fires decreased by 1,744 cases, on the contrary, direct damage increased by 7,157 million euros (an increase of 40% ), added the body. Most of the fires occurred in the Košice region (943) and at least Trenčín (391) and the Nitra region (392). The most significant material damage was recorded in the region of Trnava (11,437 million euros) and the lowest in the region of Nitra (739,515 euros)

"According to the sector of activity , the largest number of fires (996 fires) was also the most injured (14) and injured (70), " reported HaZZ

Waste management was the sector with the second largest number of fires (844 fires with damages of 127,935 euros, 3 wounded). Compared with the previous year, the number of fires decreased by 11 and, conversely, the damages amounted to 34,990 euros.

468 fires were recorded in road traffic, with damage estimated at 2,882 million euros. (410 cases) and the damage caused by these fires were 2,091 million euros, three people were injured, most of these fires occurred in the territory of Žilinský and Košický region (equivalent to 60 cases), concluded HaZZ

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