In the new ads, he pulls again from the iPhone X


<img width = "696" height = "427" class = "entry-thumb" src = " -696×427.jpg "srcset ="×427.jpg 696w, -content / uploads / 2018/07 / iphone-X-tit-768×472.jpg 768w,×656.jpg 1068w ,×420.jpg 684w, 07 / iphone-X-tit.jpg 1158w "sizes =" (max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px "alt =" LOL

Samsung has released other episodes of his comedy "Ingenius", which is unfolds in the fictional store of Apple In the image of charismatic actors, buyers, flagship flagship iPhone X

The commercials are very short, concise and smiling, so they look good Samsung has put in before the features of its flagship product compared to the features of the iPhone X.

Samsung has already shown his finger quality camera, 3.5mm audio connector, fast charge and multitasking, notch, display slots and memory capacity current

The scenario is the same and three new announcements can be seen below. it is the address of

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