In the Polish Tatras, the lost mushroom


In the border area on the Slovak side, 12 professional rescuers and volunteers from the Mountain Rescue Service (HZS) and two dogs lived together.

On the Polish side of the Babei area, on July 13, Pola lost a 61-year-old Pola who would have gone to the mushroom and would not have returned in the evening.

After the fungus, she was looking for rescuers of the Western Tatras

In the border area on the Slovak side, 12 professional rescuers and volunteers of the Mountain Rescue Service (HZS) and two dogs

rescued the HZS with the help of a quadruped. they began to investigate the Baba Hora because it was not excluded that a man had also lost himself in Slovakia

. About three hours after the report of the incident to the Poles, the rescuers announced that the men were in good condition and without injury. The rescue operation was soon over, "she said on her website Saturday

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