In Trebišov, they also vaccinated against measles and hospital staff


New measures against the formation and spread of measles are under way in Trebišov these days.

They result from the occurrence of a suspicion of measles in a child in a Roma colony of Trebišov who had already been affected by a disease in Michalovce

The Regional Public Health Service, Trebišov, ordered a medical surveillance on Friday, July 20 measles vaccination for children residing in Ivan Krakska Street. This concerns children from six months to 10 years of age who do not have a medical history or a history of measles vaccination

"By individual decisions, medical surveillance, extraordinary measles immunization, measures quarantine, and disinfection in the household, "said DASA Račková, spokesman for the Public Health Service (DZS), Monday

during the weekend (21-22 July) organized the vaccination status in the street Ivan Kraška in children aged from the 15th month up to 18 years, who are subject to regular compulsory vaccinations, and according to a decision issued by public notice of July 13. "Children who have not have been vaccinated during the weekend, "said Račková.In total, about 1200 children aged six months to 18 years were medically examined sams Is and Sundays 225 people were vaccinated with one dose of vaccine

They also vaccinated workers

Measures were also taken at Trebišov hospital. "Since there was a case of child suspected of measles in Trebišov district, we came to the hospital to vaccinate staff of the most at-risk departments who come in contact With the patient, if the epidemiological situation changes somewhat and that it will be more prevalent, we will of course increase the number of employees we will vaccinate, "said Juraj Bazar, director of the hospital.

ambulances "They are in the hospital but they are their ambulances", added the director

A probable case of Trebišov's disease was reported Friday, July 20 to a resident of three years living in Ivan Kraska Street.The child was previously in Michalovce, at the beginning of the infection, and was not vaccinated against measles.The patient was hospitalized at the hospital of Michigan

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