In Zilina, they treated 247 people for the first holiday weekend


Zilina, July 11 (TASR) – In the Emergency Surgery Ambulance of the Polyclinic University Hospital (FNSP) of Žilina, doctors were treated during the first weekend holiday – from July 5th to July 8th. They especially needed help after an injury caused by a fall, a cut or an abuse of alcohol.

"In the summer, there is a growing number of cases where we treat injured patients, for example by cutting wood, cutting, drilling or other work at home and in the home. the garden, as well as frequent falls from the roof trees, ladders, and most importantly, of course, in the sport, " said the head of the Department of Accident Surgery at Yilin Hospital, Juraj Kacian

. scooters, skateboards or other sporting activities. There were also sprains and wrinkles of the ankles, which occurred especially in case of fall or fall.

Doctors warn of children's wounds "There are more and more injuries among children during the holidays and it is important for parents to be cautious because it is safe. 39 is not only fractures, but also cases of simple fall of a bike or a bicycle. brain injury or spinal cord, " Kacian emphasized with the need to be careful also on the road. " Emigrants are moving to the right and more and more collisions are happening, "he added. he, However, the summer months bring with them, in addition to accidents, an increased incidence of ticks. "Over the past weekend, we had 15 cases where we helped to remove them. "The patients grabbed each other either by trying to get rid of them and either failed or they came directly to get rid of them." FNSP surgery in Žilina. According to him, if the patient does not know if he can pull the tick himself or a part of him in the body, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

At the same time, the hospital in Žilina warns patients of the need for an urgent home. Until 22h there is an outpatient emergency service that provides assistance in case of sudden deterioration of health condition, which may not be fatal, such as a weak allergic reaction, the fever or a small scarring. Emergency treatment provides emergency care in urgent and life – threatening situations such as loss of consciousness, bleeding, serious injury, chest pain, and so on.

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