19.07.2018 14:10 Leto brings more complications to the urinary tract especially fo"/>

Inflammation of the urinary tract: What can you do and what if it occurs? – Healthy life – Woman



19.07.2018 14:10

  swimming, summer, pool, inflammation of the urinary tract

Leto brings more complications to the urinary tract especially for women.

Urinary tract inflammation is a relatively common disease, its treatment belongs to the hands of the expert.

The following paragraphs summarize at least briefly what you should know

Reasons for Infections

The most common cause of urinary tract infection is E. coli bacteria,
who lives normally in the guts of humans and animals. The infection also affects the infection
stress, smoking or immune deficiency during other illnesses. Bacteria are
can go further from the urethra during intercourse.
With the disorders of the urinary tract, women who suffer most often have a problem
frequent urinary tract infections even in relation to swimming,


It is advisable to dry or shorten dry swimming regularly
stay in cold or stagnant water, especially in the case of natural lakes,
that do not need to be tested hygienically. Urinary trips do not even contribute
sitting on cold stone or grates in the shade, wet grass or
in the currents of air. A regular alcohol diet helps prevent this
bacteria kept in the urinary tract

Summer care

Keeping intimate is more demanding in this period because
Increased perspiration provides the ideal space for bacterial growth. he is
so a large regular shower and a preference for cotton underwear
in front of artificial fibers. When showering, it is best to use it smoothly
scented or unscented soaps, on the contrary, bactericidal
soaps can disrupt the natural microflora of intimate parts

What to do if inflammation occurs

If, despite preventive measures, problems occur, it is important
alcohol diet and an immediate visit to a doctor who gives the appropriate instructions
treatment, mainly antibiotics. Drinking mode is in the treatment of infections
the urinary tract is very important. However, this is not alcohol
coffee, but pure water, diluted vegetable juice or smell
diuretic herbs. The urine should be light without any unpleasant smell.
In addition, it is recommended an inexpensive diet, a dry and hot stay without physics,

Attention to self-healing

In case of unnecessary waiting, self-medication can also spread inflammation
renal and cause other complications and prolong the treatment time. If you do
the disease becomes chronic, there is also a risk of kidney damage
no antibiotic can help. Lower inflammation may occur from the lower urinary tract
pass through the ureters above, that is, into the kidneys. It is very important to
patients have not underestimated both treatment and banal inflammation of the lower urinary tract
roads. When inflammation attacks the kidneys, it is a serious illness. The patient must be
in the heavier cases hospitalized and receiving antibiotics directly
in the vein

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