Inflation growth in the euro area has moderated slightly


In the Czech Republic, the harmonized inflation rate reached 2.9% in June

18. July 2018 at 00:01 TASR

LUXEMBOURG. The pace of inflation in the euro area accelerated in June, from 1.9% in May to 2%.

Over twelve months of June 2017, the annual inflation rate in the euro area was 1.3%

The annual inflation rate in the European Union (EU) is remained in June 2018 at the May level 2 percent, but was over 1.5 percent in June last year.

According to Eurostat data, the lowest annual inflation rate in Ireland (0.7%), Greece (1%) and Denmark 1.1%). On the contrary, Romania recorded the highest inflation (4.7%), Estonia (3.9%) and Hungary (3.2%)

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In May, inflation fell in three EU member states, remaining stable at two and rising in 22 countries

In June 2018 , energy prices (0.76) contributed the most to the rise in inflation (0.57 pp), food, alcohol and tobacco prices (0 , 53 pp) and non-energy prices at industrial prices (0.10 pp)

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