Insult of the Russian diplomat: Danko is still silent


The indictment addressed to the Russian ambassador to Slovakia by Yuriy Muska, the Russian diplomat Dmitry Kovalek, could also be the subject of a diplomatic reconciliation. According to SaS, the representative of the Russian Embassy should consider his stay in Slovakia.

"Bravo, Mr. Danko, you are a brave man and a true statesman! And the Ukrainian ambassador is really good!"

While the SNS president, Andrej Danko and representatives of Smeru-SD, have already left the Ukrainian ambassador to Ukraine, Dmitry Kovalek, the ambassador of Ukraine,

The departure of Slovakia

As told to , the words of a Russian diplomat who wrote Kováľkov as a nationalist leader, "This is a blow to the" mythical world of slave reciprocity and slave Slavs "of Danko."

"Not only did he get into his status related to the occupation of a Slavic territory by others, but he is the diplomat of the largest Slavic nation the Slavic brother," Klus said. .

According to Klus,

According to OLEO President Veronika Remišová, vice president of the deputies of OĽANO, the whole of the case is a demonstration of how Andrej Danko harms Slovakia's national interests through inexperience and irresponsibility

This social media discussion kicked off the status of CIS leader, who did not like them. statements by the Ukrainian ambassador. Yuri Muska warned the Slovak deputies who plan to visit Crimea not to do so.

"Fears and insults will certainly not help, the Speaker of Parliament should decide not to give reasons for these statements."

A dictionary that speaks for itself

The murder of John Kuciak

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The Chairman of the Foreign Parliamentary Committee Katarína Cséfalvayová (Most-Híd, for the News.) Noted that although the statements of foreign diplomats on social networks will not be commented on, the dictionary used speaks for itself [19659003] "

At the same time, Cséfalvay points out that the planned trajectory of a group of Slovak deputies led by the anonymous Petr Marcek in Crimea without the consent of the Ukrainian authorities legitimizes the greatest violation of the law in Europe since the Second World War


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