Intense storms still hurt Slovakia today


Slovakia hit Slovakia last night and continued the night. Even today, many parts of the country can be tormented.

Today it will be mainly large, places, especially in the east, diminished clouds.

This results from the weather forecast of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ)

The highest daily temperature is 23 to 28 degrees, in the upper part is Šariš and Zemplín at 30 degrees. The temperature in the mountains at 1500 m will be about 15 degrees

Expectations of wind and light in the afternoon wind north-west with a speed of 5 m / s (20 km / h)).

Weather Bratislava
Partly cloudy Day: 28 ° C, evening: 16 ° C
Weather Prešov
Weather for the Slovak Republic on July 22, 2018 [day:26°Cnight:16°C
Weather Žilina
Partly cloudy Day: 24 ° C, and more 17 ° C
Meteorological Banská Bystrica
Weather, Trenčín
Rain, day: 26 ° C, evening: 16 ° C
In Košice
Cloudy, day: 26 ° C, evening: 15 ° C

Weather Nitra

Cloudy, day: 28 ° C, Night: 16 ° C

Weather forecast 10 days ago for a city you can watch the instruction when you click on a specific city

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