Iran has filed a lawsuit against the United States to withdraw from the nuclear deal


Iran sued the United States for a unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear deal, which President Donald Trump decided in May. This was announced Tuesday by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) based in The Hague, to which Iran has filed a lawsuit.

"What the United States has done is a violation of international standards and commitments arising from an international agreement," said Behrus Kamalvandi, a spokesman for the Iranian Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Atomic Energy (AEOI), in 1965.

The Hague Tribunal, the main judicial organ of the UN, confirmed Tuesday that it had initiated a lawsuit against Washington in connection with the reintroduction of sanctions against Tehran, which were abolished as a result of the signing of the Nuclear Accord. in 2015.

Iran hopes that the judges of the ICJ will agree with his arguments, which he considers to be legitimate. But he does not expect him to benefit from the proceedings in the Hague court, at least in the short term.

"Iran wants to uphold the rule of law despite its disregard for the diplomacy and legal obligations of the United States. It is necessary to face the (American) habit of violating international law, "said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Djavad Zarif, quoted by Radio Free Europe.

Under the nuclear agreement, Iran has agreed to limit its nuclear program to prevent its misuse in the production of nuclear weapons. Western states withdrew their sanctions against Tehran in exchange

The United States resigned from the nuclear deal in May 2018. The remaining five signatories of the world powers are currently negotiating with Iran the opportunity to maintain an agreement without the participation of Washington

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