Iran has threatened to limit its cooperation with the UN nuclear agency


Washington began to pressure the Allies to suspend oil imports from Iran

5. July 2018 at 6:12 am TASR

VIEDEŇ. Iranian President Hasan Rhuhani threatened Wednesday to limit his country – in response to the actions of US President Donald Trump – to restrict its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

. Nuclear activities have always been a peaceful goal, but it is Iran that decides on the level of its cooperation with the IAEA, "said Rughan after meeting with the head of the agency. United Nations Jukijom Aman in Vienna

In Iran, the Iranian President will be led by those who have caused the current change in the international situation regarding the Iranian nuclear program

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Crude Oil Exports

Rushhani has previously stated that Tehran will face a major challenge Iranian oil exports

He indicated that the Islamic Republic could accept the opium fed to prevent oil exports from other countries of the region

In May, Donald Trump withdrew from the international agreement of 2015, in which Iran limited its nuclear program in exchange era of the lifting of sanctions

Washington then began to exert pressure on its allies, (196599013) Rigging in Vienna to save the nuclear agreement

He reiterated that Iran is willing to negotiate – even after the United States resign – suspend oil imports from Iran this year November

(19659017) On Friday, the heads of diplomacy of the five countries will meet in Vienna and seek ways to save the case

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