Iran's top leader refuses calls to negotiate with Trump


Iranian pro-reform politicians call for direct negotiations with Trump

July 2018 at 20:14 TASR

TEHERÁN. Iran's top leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Saturday rejected the call of his line of government to negotiate with US President Donaldom Trump

This would be "a huge mistake," according to the DPA [19659002"ItwouldbeahugeChameneiwhohasthelastwordinstrategicdecisionsinIransaidthatWashingtonhadrecentlywithdrawnfromthenucleardealwithTehranaddingthathecouldnottrusttheAmericans

Iran, despite its oil wealth, has recently fallen into an economic crisis coupled with a rapid decline in the value of its currency, in connection with concerns over the reintroduction of sanctions against Tehran , as the United States in May

Iran, following the Trump decision, declared wanting to preserve the nuclear agreement, but only if the remaining five signatories (Britain, China, France, Germany and Russi e) had signed a treaty on the Iranian nuclear program signed in 2015. [(19659002)Lechefdel'IrananianHasanRouchanadéclarélasemhalielaterhatthepresidenthavefuehuitnequestansquestionsforbilatéralnegotiationsthee

Iranian pro-reform politicians calling for direct talks with Trump, considering especially the current economic crisis in the country, said DPA.

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