Is the iPhone X back on the market? Apple would be ready to return – Communication – Science and Technology


Three new iPhones did not go too far and people do not have one. Apple's weak sales would have been forced to revive the year of the old iPhone X.

iPhone X has clearly been more successful than its more powerful clones
with a high price tag. The trio of new iPhones (XS, XS Max and XR) does not do it
quite like Apple and its investors would like. Sales have not been completed yet
expectations and Apple, according to several indices, have reduced their production. Three new
the models were supposed to bring out the old X model of the market, which Apple has completely thrown
in the menu. He was probably worried that the cost of the iPhone would be reduced to X people.
she's not too motivated to buy more expensive and almost identical,
models. According to digital trends, Apple wants to save at least partially
situation and in production returns again the iPhone X.

Who would buy the iPhone XR at the same price as the iPhone X, but with only one
camera and LCD screen instead of the OLED panel? It was one of them
from many arguments, why Apple continues to sell more than two years
iPhones (models 7 and 7 Plus), but the iPhone X is no longer in the offer.
The Digital Trends Journal writes about restoring its production as
the fait accompli.

The company will not only produce but sell cheaper. Not yet
in the United States, but on the international market, while
especially India and China. However, from other countries,
not only those in which the XS and XR models had a worse response – for example
in Japan. In the land of the rising sun, the cheapest iPhone XR to read
worse display, worse camera and less power than XS iPhones, although
that the papers are almost identical to the phones (except for the display
and the camera).

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