Israel will land in 2019 on the Moon with a tankless ship


The Israeli SpaceIL announced its intention to send the first private spacecraft to the moon.

It's about to happen in early 2019, the Times of Israel reported Tuesday. The spacecraft will be released from the American Canaveral Mystery in December, and the spacecraft will deliver it to SpaceX by Falcon 9.

The spacecraft will search its magnetic field on the Moon's surface and place it there. Arrest. If all goes as planned, the Jewish state will join only the three countries that controlled the landing of their lunar settlement: the United States, the former Soviet Union and China

SpaceIL is developing a spaceship in cooperation with the Israeli company Aerospace Industries (IAI), which deals with the production of military and civilian aircraft. The organization has so far invested about $ 88 million, the bulk of which has been provided by Israeli entrepreneur Morris Kahn.

The aircraft will be the smallest ever landed on the surface of the moon. The probe has a diameter of two meters, a height of 1.5 meters and a mass of 585 kilograms, with more than 400 kilograms of fuel. "The Soviet Union succeeded in February 1966 with the cosmic probe Luna 9", the United States said in the same month of June that they had placed their probe Surveyor 1 on the Moon China has been able to boast of this success with a considerable margin in 2013.

Other countries have also transported to the Moon scientific probes, but without a soft landing.

The only country that has transported a human crew to the moon is the United States. In July 1961, Neil Armstrong became the first owner to enter the surface of this body. "If (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = {f (ffq)}, function () {n.callMethod?
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