It was used by the former Czechoslovak presidents. A historic train started traveling in Slovakia


The historic presidential train celebrated Tuesday its arrival in Slovakia.

Dozens of people were welcomed at the Bratislava Central Station. It is a kit whose individual carts were manufactured for the needs of former Czechoslovak presidents. On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Czechoslovak Republic

According to journalist Michal Tunega, director of the Railway Museum of the Slovak Republic, this train is composed of vehicles which are no longer present on the network: [19659003] "It consists of historic steam locomotives from the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic, and sedan wagons used by Czechoslovak presidents Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, Ludvík Svoboda and Gustáv Husák, as well as Alexander Dubcek, a former member of the Czech Republic. Franz Ferdinand's throne of Este. "

The kit leads a reconstructed steam a disaster called Green Anton, whose renovation cost about 50,000 euros. The director of the National Technical Museum of Prague, Karel Ksandr, said that it is interesting to follow the architecture of the interior, which is carried in the style of Brussels but also in the spirit of the Viennese Secession or the First Republic.

A cart in which Dubcek rested

Another interesting car is in his words a 1968 salon car, which was made for freedom. "It was the first car used by Alexander Dubcek in late July and August 1968 when he visited Čierna nad Tisou, where the Czechoslovak delegation held a shameful meeting with the Soviet Union delegation, with Leonid Ilich Brezhnev: Even in this car, Dubcek slept, "said Ksandr.

He added that in October 1968, this car appeared on the first platform of the Bratislava Central Station:

"Three Lords, Ludvik Svoboda the President of the Czechoslovak era, the President of the National Assembly Jozef Smrkovský and Alexander Dubcek, then General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Czechoslovak Communist Party.This salon car came to declare a federation. "As he added, the historical photographs show that the successor of Svoboda Husák welcomed them on the platform.

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The train will be at more places

The public will be presented at the Presidential Train at the Transport Museum in Bratislava on Tuesday (4.7 .10 hours and 19 hours The train goes to Nitra, Zvolen, Lučenca, Žilina, Košíc and still crosses the Moravian and Czech cities, which end on September 2 in Prague

Until July 14, Franz Ferdinand's sedan is available for visitors to Bratislava

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The project is organized by the National Technical Museum of Prague in cooperation with the Czech Railways, the Slovak Railways and the Spolok Výhrevne Vrútky Civic Association and its performers are waiting for the Presidential train sees tens of thousands of people.

5 galleries in the gallery

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