Italian police discovered two stolen images of Rubens and Renoir. Article | goods


Rome, July 21 (TASR) – The police of northern Italy discovered two million millions of stolen images in 2017. Their authors are famous painters, Pierre Auguste Renoir and Peter Paul Rubens ,

Artistic police exhibited both paintings to reporters Friday in the city of Monza, in northern Italy, in the Lombardy region.

The investigators believe that the paintings were stolen from Monza by two artists. The suspects have been proclaimed as buyers. Miracles, according to the police, have signed a false contract pledging to pay 26 million euros for both paintings. At a time when merchants were busy, thieves sketched the paintings and went away, according to the investigators

Italian police said the works of art had been found in a warehouse of Turin. In connection with this robbery, the investigators have eight suspects. Among them, there are four Italians and one Croat who were arrested last month, writes AP.

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