Italy can no longer withstand the onslaught of migrants


Italy has promised that parts of the 450 migrants rescued from the Mediterranean fishing vessel will be allowed to land in Sicily. For the Sunday television channel RaiNews24, said the Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini.

The Minister spoke so after Germany, France and Malta

promised, that they will take every 50 years, and they will get 150 of these migrants, who will divide them into two smaller vessels Countries have responded to the challenge Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, said Reuters.

Tale announced Saturday that he was working "on an agreement with other EU countries on the immediate redistribution of 450 migrants, and asked the President of the European Commission, Jean- Claude Juncker and European Heads of State

The Italian Prime Minister then reported Sunday in a Twitteri contribution, that Spain and Portugal also agreed that they would take up to 39 to 50 of these migrants

The new government in Rome is of the opinion that the European Union does not help Italy to cope with the dozens thousands of migrants arriving each year across the Mediterranean Sea. Salvini himself urges the EU to redistribute migrants arriving in Italy and trying to help Libya prevent them from leaving its territory Humanitarian organizations say however that migrants who return Libya may be victims of abuse, rape or physical violence

"I am the situation of two boats moving in Italian waters … there are 16 mothers and 11 children who will disembark in the next few minutes .. hours," said Salvini on Italian television RaiNews24. Reuters added that more than eight migrants had landed on the Italian island of Lampedusa on Saturday

When Salvini was allowed to land on the remaining migrants. Until now, it is not known when their share – all 50 of these migrants – will be taken by Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Valletta or Lisbon as promised. The migrant government of Malta accepted it, but on Saturday he announced that he was able to take 50 of them

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