It's 7 hobbies that make your brain more powerful and faster


Playing a Musical Instrument

Neuroscientists have been exploring for years the connection between regular play and any musical instrument and its features such as memory, problem solving and logical thinking. It has been found that playing a musical instrument increases the amount of gray matter in the brain and creates new neuronal connections between the cerebral hemispheres. The brain works so much better in the long run.


It does not matter if you are a fan of comics or professional literature, do not keep reading. Scientists have shown that reading increases brain activity in several areas. Reading reinforces the parts of the brain responsible for problem solving, finding solutions and empathy. Reading also improves our memory and greatly improves the ability of the imagination


There is evidence that by working the body into the bloodstream, it creates a specific protein that blooms in the body. brain. The brain is absorbed, which greatly increases its ability to concentrate and memory. This can be great for you to observe, for example, if you practice in the morning. Many people do it because they are much easier to do after day work for the rest of the day.


Meditation has long been a privilege of Buddhist or Hindu monks. Recent research has shown that meditation helps somebody better control their thinking. It also significantly improves memory and concentration abilities and, last but not least, can regulate stress levels and anxiety. Meditation is, of course, suitable for all, regardless of age

Cumulative Learning

Cumulative learning is defined as the process by which certain information that is already related to the student's life. information has already been acquired. A good example for a better understanding is, for example, mathematics. At an early age, we learn it by learning the numbers and the simplest examples, and our knowledge grows gradually. In the same way, however, you can educate yourself in any area that is close to you. You activate the right frontal lobe of the brain, responsible for memory or speech


The brain can be likened to the computer and to the muscles. The more information you put on it, the more powerful it is. If you practice it regularly, you become stronger. You can also support this by relaxing activities like, for example, puzzle. It is also good to play chess or some PC games that make you think strategically

Learning New Languages ​​

Today, it is already proven that learning a new language tongue at any age has significant effects on the brain. People who speak several languages ​​have more gray matter in certain areas of the brain than people with lower linguistic skills. This means that their parts of the brain responsible for reasoning, planning and memory are more developed, which can be used, for example, in multitasking


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