It's over, you have a parachute! A famous filmmaker paid for the sins of the past


"The unhappy attitudes and expressions appearing on James' Twitter account are unjustifiable and do not correspond to the values ​​of our study, so we ended up working with him," said Alan Horn, president of Walt Disney Studios. . Gunn was both director and screenwriter of both films about a group of atypical heroes who awarded more than $ 1.6 billion (about 1.37 billion euros) to the account.

On Friday, the filmmaker justified his former remarks. "My words for almost a decade have been absolutely unsuccessful and unfortunate attempts to be provocative at that time, and I've been sorry for a long time – not just because it's a good thing. they were stupid, not funny, insensitive, and not provocative, as I hoped, but also because they do not reflect the person I am today or for a while, "[19659004] Gunn said, notwithstanding the time that he has since passed, understood and accepted the decision of the study, and bears full responsibility,

Disney has not yet announced that will replace Gunn, and we do not know what will happen to the scene where a 51-year-old man from St. Louis worked. The movie studios have not yet announced the date of the first scheduled, but Gunn has already stated that it should be in 2020.

Comic-Cone fans and fans of San Diego, after the news, said that they did not approve of Gunn's tweets. his release has mixed feelings. "The jokes about these things are never funny, but the first step is confession, and everyone deserves a second chance." Our culture today is crazy to throw everyone. " Joanne Renda of Toronto 19659006] Writer, director, producer, actor and musician James Gunn is best known as a director and co-writer of the comic book" The Guardians of the Galaxy "(2014) and his sequel from 2017. He participates in scenarios such as Tromeo and Juliet (1996) Doo (2002), Dawn of the Dead (2004) or Scooby-Doo 2: The Monsters Deleted (2004) According to his own scenarios, he also shot Slimak (2006) or Super (2010).

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