It's true about Boris money!


Politician and entrepreneur Boris Kollár is a children's factory ready for employment – in Slovak slubbiznis he was famous for his daughters with many women. 9 will give him 10 children, but Boris is very good. Barbora Balúchová, who gave birth to her youngest child, tells the truth about the money that she sends

Barborin Instagram is full of luxury – from toilet to beauty treatments, the blonde claims her life on the upper leg. Barbora boris kollár "width =" 480 "height =" 600 "srcset ="ímka-obrazovky-643.jpg 480w, https : //ímka-obrazovky-643-300×375.jpg 300w "sizes =" (max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px "/>

C & Is a question that has been drilled in the head of an unknown man It's a free mother who is gaining addiction so spreading different products on her Instagram – d & # 39; 39, where can he afford to live in such a prepychu? Woman. Under the photo where the singer blows a device for removing cellulite, there was a bitter comment that hit the mysterious income of Barborine A mother on motherhood can not afford it, except …

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Barbora could not be given and the great -mere immediately sent him back. All the money sent by Boris is exclusively for their common son and this luxury is paid for by it Instagram, Facebook / boris.kollar

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